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Bill O'Reilly Discusses Survey Highlights w/ Dustin Olson

Dustin Olson joins Bill O'Reilly on the No Spin News below to discuss highlights from the American Pulse survey, revealing America’s Thoughts on Global Conflicts, 2024, Economy, and more (You can subscribe to the No Spin News at www.BillOReilly.com). Also, et our Top Ten Takeaways in the memo below. Get this and all polls directly to your inbox by joining Polling Club.

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TO:              Friends & Colleagues
FROM:        Dustin Olson, Lead Pollster on Project
DATE:          Nov. 7, 2023
SUBJECT:    National Survey: U.S. Public Opinion on Israel, Ukraine, Debt, Economy, & Border

 "All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players"
― As You Like It, William Shakespeare


As the world navigates ongoing geopolitical tensions and complex policy decisions, American Pulse's "U.S. Public Opinion on Foreign Affairs: Spotlight on Israel, Ukraine, Economy/Debt, & the U.S. Border" survey arrives as an essential barometer. Designed to capture the pulse of the nation, this survey provides invaluable insights for policymakers, journalists, and the public alike.

This timely study taps into the sentiments of a broad cross-section of the American public to gauge opinions on four key issues:

  • Israel, Foreign Affairs, & Anti-Semitism on Campus
  • Presidential Horse Race, Economy, & $33 Trillion Debt
  • U.S. Border Security & Gaza Refugees

The survey incorporates the views of a statistically significant sample size of 568n, with a Margin of Error of +/- 4.11% at a 95% Confidence Level.


Following are the Big Picture strategic insights we gleaned from this survey…

Israel, Foreign Affairs, & Anti-Semitism on Campus

Following the horrific attacks on the people of Israel and the rise in conflicts around the world since the fall of Afghanistan, we explored U.S. Public Opinion on the state of world affairs, the president's role in it, and what America's response should be...

Presidential Race, Economy, & $33 Trillion Debt

We tested American views on a number of domestic challenges, the looming Presidential Race, and the state of the economy and its relationship to the growing national debt.

U.S. Border Security & Gaza Refugees 

We delve into American sentiments regarding U.S. Border Security, the Drug and Human Trafficking crisis, and the contentious debate on Gazan Refugees – topics that are shaping the political landscape.

Ten Takeaways

Here are some takeaways from the poll:

  1. World on Fire: 55.2% of Americans feel the world is less safe since Joe Biden took office.
  2. Campus Concerns: By a 33-point margin, Americans believe universities are becoming ‘breeding grounds for anti-Semitism.’
  3. Separate Emergency Aid: Two-thirds want emergency aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and U.S. Border Security to be considered separately and not combined.
  4. Border Security: Ranked as THE top priority for national security spending, a substantial 62.2% disapprove of President Biden's handling of U.S. Border Security, indicating a potential Achilles heel for the upcoming campaign. Independent voters, notably, express 78.2% disapproval.
  5. Drug and Human Trafficking Alarm: The survey reveals a significant consensus, with 64.4% of voters across party lines alarmed at our open borders being exploited by nefarious entities.
  6. Approval for Abraham Accords: Over two-thirds approve, signaling a favorable view towards previous diplomatic efforts in the Middle East.
  7. Biden Report Card: Biden’s Overall Job Approval (52.6% Disapprove | 44.9% Approve) is underwater and mirrors disapproval of Biden’s handling of the economy (53.5% Disapprove | 42.5% Approve)
  8. Primaries: GOP Primary Voters say Trump is effectively the nominee. The big headline is that Democrats prefer someone else, as much as 'definitely' Biden.
  9. Dead Heat: Trump slightly leads Biden by just under 2-points, which we consider a statistical tie, and that’s whether in a head-to-head or in a three-way with RFK Jr.
  10. Double Standard in Legal & Justice System: 80.2% of Americans think there is a ‘Double Standard in the Legal and Justice System,’ while ONLY 12.6% Disagree. That means there's significant agreement on this across party lines.
Americans say Universities are "Breeding Grounds for anti-Semitism"

Nearly 57% of Americans—by a greater than 33-point margin—say Universities have become a “breeding grounds for anti-Semitism.” Download the shareable GIF for social media and link to poll at www.PollingClub.com.

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World on Fire: Majority Say World is Less Safe Since Biden Took Office

55.2% of Americans think world is less safe since Biden took office and a whopping 44.7% say it is Much Less Safe. 65.3% of Independents say 'Less Safe'. Download the shareable GIF for social media and link to poll at www.PollingClub.com.

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World on Fire: Majority Say World is Less Safe Since Biden Took Office

Americans feel the economic squeeze and 66.6% of them believe that's in part to rising Federal Debt and its impact on interest rates increasing the cost of living. Only 18.8% disagree. Download the shareable GIF for social media and link to poll at www.PollingClub.com.

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